University of Virginia students will serve in Charlottesville, the Shenandoah Valley, and Jacksonville, Florida
The Project on Lived Theology has selected three students for the Summer Internship in Lived Theology 2016:
Tessa Crews (Col ’16) is majoring in global studies with a concentration on environments and sustainability. As a summer intern, Tessa will be working with the Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine in the Shenandoah Valley, where she will learn the art of holistic healing as a form of spiritual nourishment.
Britton Dunnavant (Col ’17) is a religious studies major. He will be working this summer at the Haven in Charlottesville, Virginia, exploring theologies of hospitality. Brit will work in the day shelter and intake programs, attend housing meetings with case managers, and volunteer with the Haven’s permanent housing program.
Elizabeth Surratt (Col ’17) is a double major in political and social thought and religious studies, focusing on the intersection of liberation theology, racism and poverty, and youth. For her PLT summer internship, Elizabeth will work with Rebirth, a growing ministry in inner-city Jacksonville, Florida, helping to plan and execute summer programming and lead a series of week-long retreats for the youth involved in the ministry.
Stay tuned to learn more about our interns and their partner organizations over the next few months, and check back here this summer to read their blogs from the field.
The Summer Internship in Lived Theology is an immersion program designed to complement the numerous existing urban and rural service immersion programs flourishing nationally and globally by offering a unique opportunity to think and write theologically about service. For more information on this initiative, please click here.