We Make Change: Community Organizers Talk About What They Do — and Why
Posted on May 12, 2015 by PLT Staff

From the publisher:
Community organizers work at their jobs because they are passionate, because they believe that change is possible and because they enjoy working with people. Although it’s not an occupation that leads to great wealth, community organizers can make a living at it. They get salaries, pensions and health insurance. They raise families. They do well by doing good. This book explores the world of community organizing through the voices of real people working in the field, in small towns and city neighborhoods—women and men of different races and economic backgrounds, ranging in age from those in their twenties to those in their sixties. Fourteen in-depth profiles tell the life stories of a cross-section of the diverse people who choose the life of an organizer. Other chapters, focused on issues of organizing, are tapestries of experience woven from the 81 interviews the authors conducted.
- Publication Information
- Author: Kristin Layng Szakos, Joe Szakos
- Publication Type: Book
- Publisher:Vanderbilt University Press
- Date of Publication:June 2007
- Purchase: Buy this publication »