The Political Disciple: A Theology of Public Life
Posted on November 3, 2015 by PLT Staff

From the publisher:
What might it mean for public and political life to be understood as an important dimension of following Jesus? As a part of Zondervan’s Ordinary Theology series, Vincent E. Bacote’s The Political Disciple addresses this question by considering not only whether Christians have (or need) permission to engage the public square, but also what it means to reflect Christlikeness in our public practice, as well as what to make of the typically slow rate of social change and the tension between relative allegiance to a nation and/or a political party and ultimate allegiance to Christ. Rather than calling for a hiatus from the public square, as some have done in the face of increasing partisanship and civil rancor, he offers suggestions for public engagement as an expression of Christian faithfulness.
- Publication Information
- Author: Vincent E. Bacote
- Publication Type: Book
- Publisher:Zondervan
- Date of Publication:May 2015
- Purchase: Buy this publication »