Return to Justice: Six Movements That Reignited Our Contemporary Evangelical Conscience
Posted on August 21, 2016 by PLT Staff

From the publisher:
Reclaiming an Evangelical History of Activism
In recent years, there has been a renewed interest by evangelicals in the topic of biblical social justice. Younger evangelicals and millennials, in particular, have shown increased concern for social issues. But the move toward evangelical social justice is not a recent development. Following World War II, a new movement of American evangelicals emerged who gradually increased their efforts on behalf of justice.
This work explains the important historical context for evangelical reengagement with social justice issues. It tells the story of how, in just two generations, Bible-believing Christians came to rediscover what has always been true: justice is close to the heart of God. The authors provide an overview of post-World War II evangelical social justice and compassion ministries, introducing key figures and seminal organizations that propelled the rediscovery of biblical justice. The book explores the historical and theological lessons learned from evangelical history and offers a way forward for contemporary Christians.
- Publication Information
- Author: Soong-Chan Rah, Gary VanderPol
- Publication Type: Book
- Publisher:Baker Publishing Group
- Date of Publication:June 2016
- Purchase: Buy this publication »