Empty Room with Light
Posted on April 14, 2020 by PLT Staff

From the publisher:
In her first full-length collection, Empty Room with Light, Ann Hostetler draws on her training as a visual artist as she seeks to articulate moments of illumination in everyday life. The collection is structured by a series of frames playfully named after different forms of visual display, such as “Family Album,” “Exhibitions,” and “En Plein Air.” A rich and varied palette of images-from the severe beauty of her Amish Aunt’s flower garden to the psychedelic swirls on her own painted toes-both lends Hostetler’s work a distinctive voice and offers readers many points of connection. Each section of the book illuminates a different facet of the poet’s journey through life.
- Publication Information
- Author: Ann Hostetler
- Publication Type: Book
- Publisher:Dreamseeker Books
- Date of Publication:November 2002
- Purchase: Buy this publication »