On the Lived Theology Reading List: Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt

Questions from the Church’s Highest Point

Richard Holloway chronicles his life’s journey in Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt, from leaving Ireland as a young teenager to train for the priesthood, to resigning from the posts of Bishop of Edinburgh and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church at age 67. Throughout his book, Holloway recounts the doubt that endured his life of utmost piety, as he wrestled with questions of ethics and authority as they stood in the Church. A champion of progressive causes, Holloway reflects in Leaving Alexandria on his “after-religion” worldview as it appears in the context of his own life and in that of global, constantly-evolving Christianity. Equal parts thoughtful and tender, Leaving Alexandria is Holloway’s compassionate reflection on a life with more questions than answers.

Richard Holloway is a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the author of many books, including On Forgiveness: How Can We Forgive the Unforgivable? and A Little History of Religion. In addition, he has written for The Times, The Guardian, and other major publications. He is a patron of LGBT Youth of Scotland and was formerly chair of the BMA Steering Group on Ethics and Genetics

Reviews and endorsements of the publication include:

“Full of human wisdom, this is a psychologically acute and absorbing approach to a very important subject.”

-Philip Pullman, author of His Dark Materials trilogy

“I don’t know when I have been more impressed, indeed, excited, by a work . . . It answers the seemingly unanswerable tormenting questions in a completely satisfying way.”

– Ruth Rendell, author of Harm Done

For more information on the publication, click here.

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