Leaving Church? Generation Next and the Future of Faith

Next Friday, November 1 at 6:00 p.m., Diana Butler Bass will give a lecture entitled, “Leaving Church? Generation Next and the Future of Faith” in the Dome Room of the Rotunda at the University of Virginia. Seating is limited, but the public is invited and admission is free. The lecture will also be streamed live at this link. This lecture is part of the Capps Lecture Series in Christian Theology sponsored by Theological Horizons and the Project on Lived Theology. Read More


John Perkins book featured in U.Va. Today

Lately, we’ve been posting a lot about John Perkins and the new PLT book about his life and work, Mobilizing for the Common Good: The Lived Theology of John M. Perkins. If you missed it, you can catch up on the CCDA conference and book launch news, or read Pete Slade’s blogs about the CCDA launch and an additional book event at the Old Capitol in Jackson, Mississippi. Read More


Jonathan Rieder to speak on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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On Thursday, October 10th at 3:30pm the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture welcomes Jonathan Rieder, author of Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail and the Struggle That Changed a Nation. Rieder will deliver a lecture titled: “The Prophet Unbound: From Diplomacy to ‘Telling the Man’ in Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail.'” Find the event details and learn more about Rieder here. Read More


Lived Theology Road Trip: Singing in Oxford

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This is the fourth (and final) in a series of blog posts with reports and reflections by Peter Slade on his two-week lived theology road trip from New Orleans to Memphis in September 2013.

Paris Yates Chapel

From Jackson I drive north to Oxford, home of the University of Mississippi and a number of my old friends. That Wednesday evening, I slide in to a pew at the back of the campus chapel for the weekly gathering of the Reformed University Fellowship (RUF). The new chapel building is rapidly filling with conservative white Presbyterian youth. Women in shorts, makeup and silk-screened T-shirts reading, “Tri Delta Crush Party” and “Alpha Gamma Delta Swap” pass me as they find their seats. The men are wearing a uniform of baseball caps and check cotton shirts. Read More


Transformation at Oak Park Apartments

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Twenty years ago, Virginia Seminar member Russell Jeung moved into Oak Park apartments in Oakland, California, hoping to make a difference. Looking back, he realizes that he is the one who has been changed. Read his story in this Christianity Today article, and stay tuned for more on Russell’s life and work at Oak Park in his Virginia Seminar book. Read More


Lived Theology Road Trip: The Speed of Change in Jackson, Mississippi

This is the third in a series of blog posts with reports and reflections by Peter Slade on his two-week lived theology road trip from New Orleans to Memphis in September 2013.

I arrived at Redeemer Presbyterian Church at 9:30 in time for Sunday school. Redeemer is a young, vibrant, interracial church in Jackson, Mississippi. As I waited in a corridor for the first service to let out, I saw an older African American gentleman in a light brown suit sitting patiently. I realized that I was waiting for Sunday school with James Meredith, the man who integrated the University of Mississippi back in 1962. I told him how much I had enjoyed reading his recent book A Mission from God: A Memoir and Challenge for America. Read More