Gundamentalism and Where It Is Taking America, James Atwood

On the Lived Theology Reading List: Gundamentalism and Where It Is Taking America

Gundamentalism and Where It Is Taking America is the work of James Atwood, a retired Presbyterian pastor and an avid deer hunter for half a century who has also been in the forefront of the faith community’s fight for two constitutional rights: the right to keep and bear arms and the right to live in domestic tranquility, free of gun violence. This book details his learning of a lifetime in the struggle for reasonable gun laws in America. Read More

Liberated Threads: Black Women, Style, and the Global Politics of Soul, Tanisha C. Ford

On the Lived Theology Reading List: Liberated Threads

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In Liberated Threads, winner of the 2016 Liberty Legacy Foundation Award, author Tanisha C. Ford explores how and why black women in places as far-flung as New York City, Atlanta, London, and Johannesburg incorporated style and beauty culture into their activism. Focusing on the emergence of the “soul style” movement, Liberated Threads shows that black women’s fashion choices became galvanizing symbols of gender and political liberation. Read More

Bonhoeffer and Niebuhr event, Stanley Hauerwas, Eugene McCarraher

Bonhoeffer and Niebuhr for Us Today: Stanley Hauerwas and Eugene McCarraher Lead Guest Seminar

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On October 11, Stanley Hauerwas and Eugene McCarraher led a seminar discussion on Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Reinhold Niebuhr, entitled “Bonhoeffer and Niebuhr: Why They Still Matter.” Hauerwas focused on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, whose theological politics is best understood as the attempt to recover the church from the realm of invisibility known as religion. In contrast, McCarraher argued Niebuhr cannot provide what we need for our time. Read More

Ruby Sales VFH, Charles Marsh

The Future of Civil Rights Activism: Ruby Sales Engages in Charlottesville Public Forum

On November 29, civil rights leader and public theologian Ruby Sales traveled to Charlottesville to participate in a public conversation on social justice and spirituality hosted by Virginia Foundation for the Humanities (VFH). The event, Every One of Us: A Conversation with Ruby Sales on Race, Spirituality, and Public Life, featured a dialogue between Sales and Charles Marsh, engaging Charlottesville community members on critical issues of race, spirituality, and public life. Read More

Larycia Hawkins, "The Mountaintop as the Valley of the Shadow", Bearing the Cross in the Age of Donald J. Trump

Recapturing King’s Prophetic Witness in the Trump Era: Larycia Hawkins Delivers Guest Lecture

On November 1, Larycia Hawkins delivered a guest lecture, entitled “Bearing the Cross in the Age of Donald J. Trump: The Example of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the American Civil Rights Movement,” arguing that King is pointing us toward recapturing a prophetic vision of human dignity, where the perspective of the oppressed is heard and the moment for justice is always recognized as now. Read More