Safehold: Poems (Dreamseeker Poetry), by Ann Hostetler

On the Lived Theology Reading List: Safehold

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In Safehold, Ann Hostetler has collected and published her poems that communicate what it means to endure a crisis of security. The topics are varied, ranging from 9/11, to the death of both her parents, to the election of the 45th president, but all the poems speak to existential dilemmas Hostetler has dealt with in her life, and ways she has learned to cope with outcomes out of her control. Read More

Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death, by Lillian Faderman

On the Lived Theology Reading List: Harvey Milk

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In Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death, author Lillian Faderman documents the life, and the untimely death, of the first openly gay man elected to public office in California. Harvey Milk created quite a stir when he was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977, but he was not able to serve even a full year in office before he was shot by a homophobic fellow supervisor at the age of 48.  Read More


CANCELLED: Faith and Doubt in the Modern World

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Due to the emergence of COVID-19, based on the guidance and recommendation from UVA Health, the Virginia Department of Health, the CDC and other partners, we have decided to cancel our event with David Bentley Hart. Our top priority is the safety of the members of the University community, and we are taking all necessary precautions to mitigate the risk of infection. Read More


Book Award: Can I Get a Witness?

Can I Get a Witness? Thirteen Peacemakers, Community Builders, and Agitators for Faith & Justice has been selected for the 2019 Spirituality & Practice website’s 50 “Best Spiritual Books”. Discover the compelling stories of thirteen pioneers for social justice who engaged in peaceful protest and gave voice to the marginalized, working courageously out of their religious convictions to transform American culture. Read More

Natural Saints: How People of Faith Are Working to Save God's Earth, by Mallory McDuff

On the Lived Theology Reading List: Natural Saints

There is a growing literature addressing the connections between American religion and environmentalism. In Natural Saints, Mallory McDuff, a professor of environmental education at Warren Wilson College, focuses readers’ attention on the specific case studies of religious people who have struggled to respond to climate change and ecological devastation. Read More


PLT Seeks Communication and Event Coordinator

The Project on Lived Theology is a research community that convenes religion scholars and writers, students and practitioners, across diverse academic fields and confessional traditions to understand the social consequences of theological ideas and religious commitments. This position includes both administrative and outreach duties, including in-office tasks, events coordination, local and community outreach, social media and general correspondence, overseeing website content, and related duties as they arise. Read More