Contributor Profile

Shea Tuttle

Shea Tuttle is the author of Exactly as You Are: The Life and Faith of Mister Rogers (Eerdmans 2019) and co-editor of Can I Get a Witness? Thirteen Peacemakers, Community Builders, and Agitators for Faith and Justice (Eerdmans 2019) . Her essays have appeared at Greater Good Magazine, The Toast, The Other Journal, Role Reboot, and Jenny. Shea works offering writing support to students at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, and is a communications associate at CrossOver Healthcare Ministry, also in Richmond. Shea worked for many years as the editorial and program manager at the Project on Lived Theology. She holds an M.Div. from Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta.

Tuttle participated in the first class of the Virginia Seminar in Lived Theology. She is also co-editor for our book People Get Ready: Twelve Jesus-Haunted Misfits, Malcontents, and Dreamers in Pursuit of Justice.