Contributor Profile

Kristopher Norris

Kristopher Norris is an ordained Baptist minister focused on political ecclesiology, including such topics as church democracy, just war, pacifism, and the work of theologians like John Howard Yoder and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. After receiving his PhD at the University of Virginia, he was a Program Consultant for the Center for Public Theology at Wesley Theological Seminary. He is currently a director at The Shalom Project, a grassroots organization in Winston-Salem North Carolina that develops innovative, wellness-based pathways for low-income individuals to achieve financial self sufficiency.

Norris participated in the Spring Institute for Lived Theology 2012. He also gave a guest lecture with Sam Speers entitled “The Politics of Church: Examining How Churches Engage and Avoid Politics” as part of the series Thursday Nights: Conversations in Lived Theology. For a listing of all our Occasional Lectures, click here.