Patience: A Theological Experiment – Salon Evening with Paul Jones

20141028 Paul Jones headshotPlease join us for a salon evening with Dr. Paul Jones at the Bonhoeffer House, Thursday, November 6th at 7:30pm.

Paul Dafydd Jones is an associate professor of religious studies at U.Va. and co-director of the Virginia Center for the Study of Religion. He is currently working on a book in constructive theology focused on patience — divine patience and human patience, but also divine impatience and human impatience. It explores creation and providence, the incarnation, atonement, the nature of sanctification, and, last but not least, the intersection between Christian thought and political activity. It draws on a wide range of figures and intellectual movements including Karl Barth, John Calvin, Martin Luther, and Hans Frei and is an attempt to show how “classical” theology and liberation theology can be integrated.

Free parking is available at the Culbreth Road Parking Garage. Light refreshments will be provided. As always, friends welcome and encouraged. The event is co-sponsored by The Project on Lived Theology and Theological Horizons.

Find the Facebook event here.

German Ambassador hosts book salon featuring Charles Marsh

0424 Cville - Signing Web VersionOn June 23, 2014, Ambassador Peter Wittig and Huberta von Voss-Wittig hosted their first book salon in their Washington DC residence featuring Charles Marsh. Marsh discussed Strange Glory with an audience of over 100, while editor and publisher Elizabeth Sifton moderated the discussion. A book signing and reception followed.

“Charles Marsh has succeeded in painting the whole picture and bringing this hero-theologian down to earth,” noted Ambassador Wittig.

To read the full article, click here.

Project alum, Peter Slade, to speak at U.Va.

20141022 Peter Slade headshot web readyOn Wednesday, November 5, Peter Slade will deliver his lecture, “Open Friendship in a Closed Society: Racial Reconciliation in Mississippi after the Civil Rights Movement.” The event will be held in Gibson Hall 342 at 3:30 pm. The public is invited to attend, and admission is free.

Peter Slade teaches history of Christianity and Christian thought at Ashland University, Ohio and leads worship at Ashland’s First United Methodist Church. Slade received his B.D. with honors in Christian ethics and practical theology from St. Andrews University in Scotland, and his M.A. in southern studies from the University of Mississippi. He holds a doctorate degree from the University of Virginia. He has previously worked as a community development worker for the Church of England in Blackburn and Aylesbury and led a small Virginian chapel as their pastor.

The author and editor of numerous books and articles on theology and racial conciliation, Slade co-edited and contributed to two publications connected to the Project on Lived Theology: Mobilizing for the Common Good: The Lived Theology of John M. Perkins (University Press of Mississippi) and Lived Theology in Method, Style, and Pedagogy (forthcoming). He is also a current participant in the Virginia Seminar in Lived Theology. Slade’s current research is into justice, reconciliation and the practices of congregational singing: the ways that singing shapes–and is shaped by–the lived ecclesiologies of different congregations and communities.

For more information, see our Facebook event here.

Parnassus Books hosts Charles Marsh

IMG_6594On May 8, 2014, Charles Marsh gave a reading and book talk on Strange Glory at Parnassus Books in Nashville, Tennessee.

David Dark, introducing Charles Marsh, said, “A big thing that Bonhoeffer brings to Charles is an insistence on the church living up to its possibilities in one way or another. And [Charles] seems to have spied in Bonhoeffer an entire new understanding of self, how people relate to one another.”

To watch Marsh’s lecture at Parnassus Books, click here.

Commonweal on Strange Glory: a “splendid biography”

Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich BonhoefferCommonweal magazine continues the steady praise of Charles Marsh’s Bonhoeffer biography with its recent review. Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a “splendid biography” that “provide[s] a rich and detailed account of how Bonhoeffer’s immensely eventful life unfolded…[Marsh does] much to sustain Bonhoeffer’s stature as theologian, pastor, and martyr.”

To read the full article, click here.


Paul Gaston on the Civil Rights Movement in Charlottesville

Paul GastonPaul M. Gaston, Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Virginia, captivated a large audience with his guest lecture on the Civil Rights Movement on Wednesday, September 24. Focusing his lecture around the theme “how you bring about change,” Gaston used the University of Virginia as his primary example and also included personal anecdotes on the process of integration in the Charlottesville community. This session incorporated question and answer periods following each part of the lecture.

“Each year the cadre of protesting students was enlarged,” Gaston recalls. “And I think it was enlarged because there were students who in high school had been watching television, and they’d been watching the white Southerners, and some white Northerners too, express with crow bars, burnings, everything horrible about the nature of the opposition to integration. And they began to think at home that this isn’t right. Something ought to be done about it.”

Listen to the lecture or watch the video recording.

The Dillard Forum to feature Charles Marsh

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”—Dietrich Bonhoeffer20141008 dillard forum logo

On Sunday and Monday, October 19-20, The Dillard Forum of Trinity United Methodist Church in Richmond, Virginia, will feature Charles Marsh. This year’s forum is entitled, “Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Explorations of His Life, Thought, and Promise.” Four lectures by Marsh comprise the event, with “The Sources of Bonhoeffer’s Worldly Faith” at 9:30 a.m. and “Bonhoeffer’s Spiritual Awakening” at 7 p.m. on Sunday. Monday’s program includes a lunch coupled with a lecture and an informal discussion on “Bonhoeffer’s Protest against the Nazi Churches” at 12 p.m. and a final lecture focusing on “Bonhoeffer’s Final Questions and Christian Witness in the 21st Century” at 7 p.m. Each individual session has allotted time for a question and answer period.

The seminar events are free and open to the public; however, the Sunday lunch costs $7 and requires that participants reserve their seat by October 17.

Charles Marsh reflects on Strange Glory on WMRA’s The Spark

Charles MarshOn Friday, July 11, Charles Marsh was interviewed by Martha Woodroof on WMRA’s The Spark. He discusses his experience working in Berlin in 2007 after receiving the Guggenheim Fellowship and the opportunities that followed. Marsh also explains his access to rare resources that offered new insights into Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life, as well as the writing process for Strange Glory and his continuing interest in the influential theologian.

“What surprises me is, after working with this book for eight years, my admiration and my intrigue with Bonhoeffer’s life and thought is deeper, and in some respects, even insatiable,” Marsh reflects.

To listen to the full interview, click here. For more information on Strange Glory, click here.

Virginia Seminar member Susan Holman interviewed by “The Poor in Spirit”

Susan R. HolmanVirginia Seminar member Susan R. Holman was recently interviewed by “The Poor in Spirit,” a theology blog written by Alvin Rapien. She discusses her influences and current literary interests, as well as her perspective on Christian responses and approaches to human poverty and suffering, a subject she has expanded upon in several of her books.

“Action’ in response to poverty — whether the poverty is our own, our town’s, our faith community’s, or the desperate injustices of a global pattern — is not just an external behavior that can be contrasted with talking and thinking,” states Holman. “Life is short; we can live out our vocation as Christians only if we think, study, pray, and make active choices in the best holistic integrity that we can manage.”

To read the full interview, click here. To learn more about Susan Holman, visit her PLT author page.

Charles Marsh to speak at the 2014 Conference on Faith and History

20140920 pepperdine cfh web readyFrom September 25-27, 2014, the 29th Annual Biennial Meeting of the Conference on Faith and History will convene at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California with author and Project director Charles Marsh as a featured speaker.

From the event website: Contemporary historians have a somewhat complicated relationship with “the public.” We long to have public audiences who will be challenged and shaped by our work, but most of us tend to produce highly specialized scholarship and write primarily for other scholars. When we do address the public, our often myth-busting strategies can come across as patronizing, contemptuous, and even politically motivated. As historians, who are our “publics”? And what responsibilities, if any, do we owe them? Are there public venues for historical understanding that we should be exploring? Does our peculiar identity as Christians have any bearing on the publics we address, what we have to say, or how we say it? Are there Christian ways of thinking about and doing public history? Is there a Christian public for our work as historians?

For more information on the event and registration details click here.