An institute for scholars and practitioners focused on issues of faith and social practice
To learn more about SILT, view past SILT themes and speakers, and access recordings of many of the presentations, visit the pages by clicking on the photos below.
SILT 19/20
People Get Ready!
SILT 2018
Prophet With a Pencil
SILT 16/17
Can I Get a Witness?
SILT 2013
After Ten Years
SILT 2011
Lived Theology as Method, Style and Pedagogy
SILT 2010
Theology, Migration & the Borderlands
SILT 2009
American Evangelicalism and the Practices of Peace: The Lived Theology of John M. Perkins
SILT 2008
Lived Theology and the Language of Peace
SILT 2006
Spaces for Reconciliation and Redemption: Theology and the Built Environment